45-Day 330Hrs
4 Yogas
Teacher Training Course
1st Oct 2024 - 15th Nov 2024 (Gokarna, Karnatka)
15th May - 1st July 2025 (Spiti Valley, Himalayas)
Intensive, Exhausitve & Integrated
Yoga TTC
About the 45-Day 4 Yogas TTC
Aryamarga Yoga is proud to present the 4 Yoga Teachers' certification programme, a 330Hours Intensive Yoga Training Course designed for those interested in actually experiencing the theory and practice of authentic Yoga.
The 4 Yogas Teacher Training Course acts both as a precursor to Arya Marga Yoga’s more intense and exhaustive 5-Month Anubhava Yoga TTC and independently, as a unique introduction to the ancient science of Integrated Yoga.
Known by their sanskrit terms-Hatha, Mantra, Tantra and Raja Yoga, the Four Yogas of the Body, Mind-Breathing, Internalised Senses, and Higher Consciousness have been practiced for millennia in India as one single Integrated system. This integrated system cannot simply be learnt-it must be experienced.

To rapidly enable the flowering of experiences in the Integrated 4 Yoga system, we utilize the experiential methods of Bhava-Spanda or Passion-Waves, the high intensification of mentally generated emotional states. The experience of this intensified emotion within the techniques of the 4 Yogas is the real inner revealer, and transformer of our personalities and bodies.
Experience in Samskrit is termed Anubhava and the Anubhava Yoga appreciation programme is designed to generate within the participants the inner experience of the 4 Yogas. The techniques learnt in the course will be practiced for maximum effect in unique Prana enhancing environments, an ancient coastal forest (Oct.2024) and high-mountain Himalayan settings (Apr.2025) to bring the experience to a close, and a new beginning.
Key Highlights
330-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
Ancient Naga & Buddhist Vajrayana Lineages
All the teachings are untouched and selected practices of the ancient Naga and Buddhist Vajrayana Lineages, tailored to be applicable for modern Yogic lifestyles
Taught by teachers from the Forest tradition of the Giri Monks
In-depth & Exhaustive training in Philosophy
Intensive, exhaustive and descriptive teaching of the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Analytical and practical teaching of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Yogi Swatmarama
Detailed and Practical teaching of the Samkhya/ Numerological Reality
Practical training on the identification of the unique 5 Elements mix and the Psychology of the Individual
Advanced Asanas, Shatkarmas & Dhayna
Introduction to the 54 Asanas Advanced P-TAK [5 Elements Asana Kriya] Sequence
Demonstration and guided teaching of the 6 Cleansing and Detoxifying Practices of Hatha Yoga, the ShatKarmas
Detailed teachings on the a) Awareness, b) Focus, c) One pointedness and d) Intuition categories of Meditation

Learn the 5-Element Asana Kriya (P-TAK)
Intensive training on the 27 Asanas P-TAK [5 Elements Asana Kriya] Sequence
Training on identifying the Elemental compositions of any Yoga Asana
More than 40 Hours of training on Assists and Hands on experience of Teaching Classes
Powerful Kriyas from Laya-Kundalini System
Introduction to the systems of Mantra Yoga and Yantra Yoga, the science of Mystic Sound and Geometry
Introduction to the systems of Feminine Power, the Kundalini-Laya Yoga
Introduction to the Vajrayana system of Buddhist Tantra
Practical experience of the Pranayama & Kriya techniques from the ancient Shaiva branch of Yoga-Tantra
Retreat Ashram Atmosphere & Nature Walks
Ideal, aesthetic and quiet mountain retreat ashram atmosphere for the proper practice and study of the Yogas
Treks and day walks to Forest hot springs, Himalayan mountain ridges or Forest treks to caves and temples on the sea coast*** Only on Sundays if weather allows
Teachings from one of the most highly considered ancient Indian post-Vedic Texts, the Mandukya Upanishad*** If time allows

Roshan Palat, Founder & Anuttara Yog Tantra Vidya Teacher
Roshan Ji met his Guru near an alpine village a few hours hiking distance from the mountain town of Uttarkashi.
Ganapati Baba’s teaching of the 4 Yogas of the ancient Mahasiddhas Lineage and the profound manner in which it was imparted changed Roshan’s life forever.
Being instructed to learn more about Mahakaruna / The Great Compassion and Shunyata/Emptiness, by his Guru, Roshan undertook a 3-year study into Mahayana Buddhism and the View and Practices derived by that system from the 84 Mahasiddhas.
Since then he has been residing, practising and teaching in the Tibetan town of Bir

Thanida Palat, Co-founder & Hatha Asana Teacher
Thanida, a citizen of Thailand, has been teaching various forms of traditional Hatha Yoga across Thailand and India. She has received advanced Hatha training from Kaivalyadham, Pune, Bihar Yoga Bharati, Munger, Sivananda Ashram, Kerala and JivamuktiYoga, New York.
Having received Yoga training in the Lineage of the 84 Mahasiddhas, Thanida has incorporated her knowledge of the Hatha Asanas with the structure of the 5 element intensification and harmonization practices of the Lineage.
Akshat Madan, Pranayama & Somatic Yoga Teacher
Akshat, after having quit his job as a financial advisor, set out to travel the mystical land of Yogis and Sages. He was spellbound by the beauty and diversity that India offered, but found it almost impossible to make any coherent sense of his spiritual experience. The thirst for knowledge remained unsatiated. It was during his meeting with Roshanji, that an instant and deep connection was formed to a living lineage of yogic masters. He took the quantum leap and decided to fully immerse and dedicate himself to this new lifestyle
Our Team of Teachers
Who should attend the P-TAK Yoga Training Course
The 45-Day Intensive 4 Yogas Teacher Training Course introduces the 4-Yoga System in an intense and integrated manner. The training course lays a special emphasis on integrating the practices, as elucidated in the 11th-century master-text Hatha Yoga Pradipka, to the view and perspective as explained in the Raja Yoga Sutras.
The training during the course is intense, consisting of 6-7 classes every day for 6 days a week and a minimum 90% attendance rate is expected of the students. We cap the student intake for all our training courses to a maximum of 10 students. This helps us ensures the quality of teaching and also allows us to personalize the teachings according to each student's aptidude.
Our students come from all over the world, and the ages usually range from 20´s through 50´s. We require that the students have good health and have the stamina to keep up with the course.
Detailed Course Schedule - Gokarna, Winter Edition
3 Day Orientation Program : 1st October – 3rd October 2024
Registration and Visit to Goa and surrounding areas
Introduction to the Natha Lineage
4 Vedas, Yugas, Shad-Darshanas, History of Yoga
Introduction to 5 Elements, Samkhya, Mantra Vidya, Laya and Raja
P-TAK 4-YOGAS TRAINING : 4th October – 15th November 2024
Daily P-TAK Asana Training & more than 40 hours of Practical and Hands-on Assists Training
Training into the Integrated 5-Element Pranayama Sequence Training
In-depth study of the Samkhya Philosophy (Shuddha Tattvas, Kanchukas, Ashudda Tattvas)
Exhaustive explanation of the 5-Elements that form the Universe as well as the Human Body
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Nada-Anusandhana and Shat-karmas
Patanjali Yoga Sutras – Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada & Vibhuti Pada
Excerpts from Mandukya Upanishad and Shiva Sutra
Training in the Yogic Perspective of the Human Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to the Sanskrit Language- Svaras and Vyanjani, Basic Sandhi Rules
Daily Schedule
8:00 – 9:00 AM : PRANAYAMA KRIYA
9:15 – 10:30 AM : BREAKFAST
10:30 – 11:45 AM : THEORY – YOGA ANATOMY
1:30 – 2:30 PM : LUNCH BREAK
2:30 – 3:15 PM : SIESTA
7:00 – 8:30 PM : DINNER BREAK
With over 300 hours of Yogic theory and practicals, the P-TAK 4 Yogas TTC culminates in a 3-day final examination. Successful participants of the training course are awarded a certification, giving them the right to be an instructor in the following:
27-Asana P-TAK Sequence
5-Element Pranayama Sequence
Yoga Vidya - Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yoga Vidya - Patanjali Yoga Sutras
It must be strongly stated, however, that AryaMarga is not affiliated with Yoga Alliance or any other organisation as we are a stand alone institute. Our aim and objective is to tranmit the authentic yogic teachings of the original Naga Lineage, founders of Hatha Yoga and Laya/Kundalini Yoga.

Student Reviews
The training Course is a full-time residential course. The 45-day 4 Yogas P-TAK module will
will unfold in Gokarna, Karnataka. A mystic beach and forest land of ancient provenance, Gokarna is first mentioned in the pre-historic text of Bhagvad Puran and later in the Mahabharata.
Raised from the depths of the Sea King Varuna's kingdom by the sage Parashurama, Gokarna is the land where the Bana Linga or Sky-Self Gateway procured by Ravana the Demon King was established forever in the temple of Mahabaleshawara.
Students get to choose between Private Cottage Accommodation and Shared Cottage Accommodation and Small Room Accommodation.
During the 45-Day 4 Yogas Teacher Training, we prefer following the Yogic Diet which, contrary to what many people believe, is not Vegan.
Students get home-cooked vegetarian meals during their stay at the Ashram Institute. Some of the vegetables are directly sourced from our kitchen-garden.
We ensure that the daily nutritional requirements of the students are met through a wholesome dietary plan.
Registration & Fees
The 4 Yogas Teacher Training Course opens with a 3 day orientation session, which introduces the teachings and the lineage to the students. A student will be accepted for the course only if the aptitude of the provisional student meets with the criterion of the course during the 3 day period. The entire course fee (excluding registration fee) will be refunded in case a student decides to discontinue the course during the first 3 days. No refunds will be entertained post the orientation period.
We advise our students to please keep their travel programs for India flexible in case they do not meet the criterion for the course.
Registration Fees (Non-refundable)*
SAARC Country Citizen – INR 20,000
Non-SAARC Country Citizen – $250
Kindly email us at contact@aryamargayoga.org for more details as concerns the Total Course Fees for the P-TAK 4 Yogas Teacher Training Course